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Safeguard help
Safeguard+ help
Hospital cash help
Acute Care help
Disease Management help
Tiered Rider

Select add-on below to save your premium! You'll have to access to select group of high-quality hospitals. Outside these hospitals, standard copay apply.

Tiered Network help

3. Premium Details

Pay Yearly

Rs 0 (Rs 0 Paid Annually)

Pay Yearly

Rs 0 (Rs 0 Paid Annually)

Pay Yearly

Rs 0 (Rs 0 Paid Annually)

(7.5% Off on 2nd year premium)
(15% Off on 3rd year & 7.5% off on 2nd year premium)
Pay Rs. 0 monthly with EMI
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Base Premium




Premium Amount


0 0

*Diabetes Management and Acute Care are variants under the Smart Health+ Product

Key Features

Please refer the sales brochure for more details on T&Cs, inclusions & exclusions. download

In-patient Care (Hospitalisation)

Hospitalisation for 2 hours or more are covered (24 hours for AYUSH treatments). The coverage includes medical expenses incurred for medical treatment during hospitalization, including room rent coverage (with no capping), medical practitioners’ fees, investigative tests, medicines, OT charges and many more.


Don’t lose what you don’t use! Carry forward your unutilised sum insured to the next policy year with maximum accumulation up to 10 times of base sum insured.


Lock the Clock: Pay premiums as per the age when you first buy the policy, till a claim is paid.
ReAssure Forever: ReAssure triggers after the first paid claim in the life of the policy, and stays on Forever.


ReAssure Forever: ReAssure triggers after the first paid claim in the life of the policy, and stays on Forever.
Note: Either ReAssure+ or ReAssureX would be available as per variant opted.

Health Check-up

Get annual health check-up benefit from Day 1 of your policy year, so you are always one step ahead in taking care of your health.

Live Healthy Benefit

Get rewarded for staying healthy! Get up to 30% discount on renewal premium by just counting the steps you take every day using the Niva Bupa Health App.

Home Care/Domiciliary

Get the convenience of getting treated at home if you are unable to go to a hospital. Covered up to Sum insured.

Modern Treatments

There are always advancements being made in the medical world. You get the freedom to choose the treatment that works for you. Modern treatments like deep brain simulation, oral chemotherapy, robotic surgeries and many more. Covered up to Sum insured with sub-limits on few conditions.

Organ Donor

In case of an organ transplant, the medical expenses for the organ donor’s in-patient treatment for the harvesting of the organ donated are covered under this plan.
You also get coverage in case you decide to donate an organ to someone in need. Your expenses for donating an organ will be covered.

Emergency Ambulance

Be it road or air ambulance, you are always covered! Road ambulance covered up to sum insured and Air ambulance up to Rs. 2.5 Lacs per hospitalization.

Assured Policy Renewal for Life

Once insured with us, you will always remain our customers subject to continued payment of premium. We assure you renewability for life with no extra loadings based on your claim history.

Entry Age And Family Coverage

The entry age for adults under this policy can be from 18 to 65 years. The entry age for dependent children is from 91 days to 30 years in a family floater policy. In an Individual cover, maximum up to 6 members (maximum of 4 adults and a maximum of 5 children) can be included in a single policy. Whereas, Family floater cover is available for maximum of 2 Adults and 4 children.